
Pray for Ukraine


Arina needs a sponsor

June 8th 2023
Arina is a spirited and compassionate nine-year-old girl recently taken into HART's Child Sponsor Program. She has a remarkable memory and attentiveness and is keenly interested in learning about God. She is always ready to lend a helping hand to others, and she actively participates in a day center and Sunday school.

As a family, they have endured significant hardships. Unfortunately, Arina's father deserted this family shortly before the war. Next, they had to suffer through living in a Russian-occupied city before having to leave their home and relocate to the West of Ukraine.

Arina and her two older sisters have a good relationship with their mother, but their living conditions and situation are alarming. As internally displaced persons (IDPs), they have been living in a student dormitory at a local veterinary academy for the past year. However, the living conditions in this building are deplorable. They have to share a communal washroom and kitchen, which are always filthy, and the temperature in their one-room apartment is uncomfortably cold.

Arina's mother is unemployed due to a heart condition, and they receive some financial assistance from the state as IDPs. She requires regular hospital visits for fluid removal around the heart area. They occasionally receive humanitarian aid, and the local church occasionally provides groceries. Arina's mother actively participates in church services. This family is in dire need of your support.

In Arina's words: "Dear Sponsor, I don't know you yet, and I have never seen you, but I am very grateful to you for helping such children as I am. It is very hard for us to live in another city, far away from our home."

Sponsor a Child

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