
Pray for Ukraine



March 21st 2023
An 85-year-old gentleman came to our office last week. We know him well; he and his wife have been HART supporters for years. He walked slowly but deliberately up to the reception desk. With tears in his eyes, he gently shook his head (as if to say, 'This suffering has to stop'), laid a check on the desk, and walked back to his car. He felt so deeply for the Ukrainian people that he literally could not even speak. This silent, 20-second heartfelt scene had a powerful impact on our staff as a demonstration of solidarity with HART and the Ukrainian people we serve.
Thanks to all the compassionate, generous people in HART's family throughout Canada and the USA for standing with us to support Ukraine! Lives are being changed for time and eternity because YOU CARE!

Gratefully yours,
Lloyd Cenaiko
Together, changing the world - one heart at a time.

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