
Pray for Ukraine


What's Next?

September 28th 2023
The question I'm most frequently asked regarding Russia's war in Ukraine is, "What do you think will happen next?"

My knee-jerk reaction is to focus on the positives and imagine what I would like the outcome to be. But, ultimately, I just shrug my shoulders. War is inherently unpredictable, and since I have never been inclined to include the word "prophet" in my resume, any speculation on my part is pretty much just guesswork.

We just don't know where this is all going. We don't know if Putin will face an internal uprising, potentially leading to a more benevolent or more ruthless leader taking his place. We don't know if Putin might, in a final act of a desperate ego, unleash his nuclear arsenal if Ukraine dramatically changes the course of the war in its favor.

Therefore, the uncertainty of Ukraine's future should just compel us to pray, place our trust in God, cling to hope for what's to come, and, importantly, maintain our support for Ukraine.

But here is what we do know. Millions of Ukrainians have had their lives completely shattered. They have witnessed the destruction of their cities and towns, the sacrifice of thousands of young soldiers, families ripped apart, churches reduced to rubble, jobs vanished, and loved ones gone forever.

We also know that amid this turmoil, the Church of Jesus Christ continues to save, comfort, sustain, and provide. Its response to this conflict and suffering is nothing short of remarkable. Our fellow Christians are tirelessly and selflessly putting themselves in harm's way to care for and demonstrate God's love to their fellow Ukrainians in need.

We should also know that the call to support Ukraine and the Evangelical churches is both a responsibility (1 John 3:17) and an opportunity. Those of us in the Western world have the power to bring light to the darkest places of this war and hope to the most desperate hearts through our actions.

May our response to this call to action be a living testimony of Christ's love and compassion in a broken world. Let's give generously and pray earnestly, knowing that in doing so, we are spreading the transformative message of the Gospel during this war and beyond.

On behalf of all your partner Churches and their pastors in Ukraine, our sincere thanks for your prayers and generosity. Thank you for choosing to work with HART - as we change the world - one heart at a time!

Lloyd Cenaiko

Ukraine Crisis & Refugee Fund

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