
Pray for Ukraine


Education Fund Match

September 7th 2023
Education Scholarship Fund - MATCH!!

Education is the single most effective way to reduce poverty, suffering, inequality, and injustice.

The HART Education Scholarship Fund was created to support economically disadvantaged youth in Ukraine to pursue higher education. It is one of the ways we can invest in the future of Ukraine by nurturing a new generation of conscientious, well-educated leaders with strong Christian values that will one day transform their communities and country.

This program is all about helping young people eventually find employment, achieve financial independence, and bring their families out of poverty.

We have hundreds of good reasons for you to support this Education program - Andriy is just one of them. He is an excellent example of what we are trying to achieve through these scholarships. Andriy received a HART scholarship, finished his university training, has a young family, leads a ministry in his church, and has been able to assist his family financially. In this video, Andriy describes the importance of this scholarship fund.

Our Scholarship budget this year exceeds $100,000, and we've recently initiated the distribution of tuition funds to students whose applications have been approved for the 2023-24 academic year. Please consider offering your support, both financially and through your prayers, to assist these young people in obtaining the education they passionately desire. Your contribution can help them realize their dreams and positively impact their world.

Give to Scholarship Fund
Support Summer Camps 2023!

Andrii Okhrimchuk Education Fund from HART on Vimeo.


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